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One Final Question

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НУ, я еще учусь... всеми силами, но учусь.  :blush:


Вот это БРЕД!!!  :a:
Какие солдаты??? Чьи???

Насколько мне известно, прусская армия организованно вошла в Париж и столь же организованно его покинула через день, после подписания документов о капитуляции.
Бесчинствовало местное население. Вначале выступления населения, недовольного организацией обороны Парижа, тяготами осадного положения. Потом Коммуна. А потом - самое страшное, когда убивали коммунаров и разнесли полПарижа.

Эрик сперва говорит о подземельях, находясь на нижнем этаже оперных подвалов, потом тащит Крис куда-то в город, оставляет ее одну в таком опасном месте, рефлексирует в столь напряженный момент...
Короче, маразм полный.  8(

Мне уже интересно, что там больная фантазия автора еще выдаст.


От этого фика у меня кудряшки скоро выпрямятся! Ужас...


Amy, ты все-таки допереведи этот бред, чтоб мы своих авторов больше ценили. Подобного маразма местного производства, по-моему, еще не было.
А тебе - практика переводчика. Между прочим, неплохо. Внимательнее к ачипяткам - и все. :)


Дааааааа уж! :D Хотя автор  писал это на полном серьезе, я для себя определила жанр фика как юмор, потому как хохотала до слез, читая данное творение.  *-) переводчику за то, что ознакомила нас с такой веселой вещью :D
Не перестает удивлять Эрик, оставившей Кристину одну с лошадью дожидаться его возвращения с напутственными словами: "увидишь солдат, беги в лес". Лучше защитника просто не отыскать :D
А Рауля видимо решили просто выкинуть из темы за ненадобностью, не зная, куда  его пристроить: "Зачем с кузнецом?Нам кузнец не нужен!" :D


Прочитала несколько строк! Отлично!-утираю слезы(от смеха).
Этого автора нельзя упускать из вида, а переводить и выдавать нам в виде подарков и для поднятия настроения.
Переводчику *fi*  *fi*  *fi*

Первым решением армии было захват всех главных зданий в городе, к которому, без сомнения, относилась дорогая сердцу Эрика Опера.

&))) Нет слов!

Отредактировано Vika SP (2007-04-29 13:18:26)


Перевод, как перевод, как всегда - во всей своей бредовой красе. Я еще ни одного нормального переводного фика не читала. Так что все "на месте" -  лошади, коммуна и прочая ПО-шная хренатень. ^_^


Нда... Неожиданно. А так хорошо все начиналось. Действительно, чьи солдаты? И чем им лошадка помешала?


Думаю, может, они её хотели на мясо пустить.... лошадку-то?!


Amy206, можно маленькую просьбу?
Очень хотелось бы увидеть оригинал сего произведения. Я на досуге пытаюсь не позабыть английский язык, и почитать что-нибудь на нем было бы как раз полезно. Особенно такой забавный текст.
Можно ссылку на оригинал или его текстовик? Буду очень призательна!


А может Рауля злобная ведьма превратила в лошадь?


Цирилла, у меня почему-то не отправляется текстовый вариант, а ссылки у меня нету.  :cry:
Елена (Фамильное Привидение)... хых, не -а. Его просто изъяли из сценария, как ненужную деталь. Действительно - весь вид портит!


Цирилла, у меня почему-то не отправляется текстовый вариант, а ссылки у меня нету

Amy206, при всем уважении, позвольте усомниться в правдивости Ваших слов. Мой опыт и знания говорят против Вашей теории "почему-то не отправляется". Если у Вас работает e-mail, личка и Вы можете отправлять посты на форуме, то вставить в них текст на английском языке не должно составлять проблемы, не правда ли? :)

Эх, зря я натопала на фанфикшн. Теперь так просто не отделаюсь.

Вы же говорите - фанфикшен? Сами же откуда-то берете текст, не так ли?

Amy206, ещё раз при всем уважении, но в таком случае мне что-то не верится, что английский вариант существует вообще. Если текст Ваш или, например, Вашей подруги, то не нужно было бы стесняться и скрывать это. :)

С наилучшими пожеланиями.


Ой, вот уж не надо!!!!!!
Я просто скачала весь текст полностью и сразу. И благополучно забыла...

А текст могу и сюда выложить, мне-то что?!
А то, что не отпарвляется - это  правда, у меня проблема с доставкой и отпарвкой сообщений вообще и в частности!

Chapter 1

Christine shuddered beneath her red velvet cloak. It was inappropriate to be wearing colour on this particular day, but then, nothing had been the same since she'd met... him... He showed her that there was more beyond the stiff rules of conduct and order in society. Why was black the mourning colour on the day of a loved one's death? Wasn't red more passionate, more fiery, so much more descriptive of the turmoil that boils inside at such a loss? Erik knew how ridiculous setting rules according to a collective agreement was when there were so many different schools of thought. And Christine had come to realize that she felt the same. With a deep sigh she turned into the wild storm and began down the pavement to her awaiting carriage. "To the cemetery..." she muttered.

Erik smiled under the clock and started driving her to the cemetery, glad that she didn't notice he was stalking her. He observed the buildings as he drove by them. How could it be that another day they'd be vibrant and full of color, when on this day, they were dark and shadowed, as was the sky. It seemed when his angel was unhappy, the world was unhappy with her.

Christine sat languidly against the hard wood of the carriage bench. Every year, on this anniversary of her father's death, her feelings would leave her to be replaced by apathy. She simply chose not to feel on this day, for whatever she was inclined to feel would swallow her up in despair. If there was any good thing to be felt she would welcome it, but she simply could not bear to give into anguish.

He turned his head slightly and glanced at her. His heart sunk at the sight. 'She's so sad yet she refused to show it...Why? Why must my angel feel such dark emotions? She is the light she is pure, it is I who deserves to feel these things not her, I wish I could endure the pain for my beautiful angel.' He thought to himself.

He wanted so badly to do something for her, to stop the carriage and reveal his presence. But to interrupt her journey to her father's grave? He couldn't stop her from paying her respects. And he knew very well from her hostile behavior of late that she wanted nothing to do with her teacher now. She'd seen her dream dismantled into nothing but a pile of ruins and he was the cause. Christine dwelt on this as they came ever closer to their destination. Erik, her Angel, had paid the greatest disrespect to her father's memory. He had taken something precious of their past and twisted it for his own gain. She was ashamed that she had even believed, but even more disappointed that someone who confessed such immense love to her would toy with her deepest scars. The carriage jostled as the wheels came into contact the cobblestone path that led into the cemetery. It pulled to a silent hault, and Christine descended the steps.

He watched her, face hidden, when she entered the cemetery, he got off the carriage and followed her in the shadows. Watching her every move.

Christine suddenly felt the watchful eye of the predator on her, and she stopped for a moment, breathing shakily. With a swallow and new resolve to leave her worries at the Opera, she continued toward her father's grave. Erik stopped behind a glorious angel statue and concealed himself. She was so beautiful, even in sorrow amongst the dead. For a moment he hesitated. Should he follow through with his plan? Or was it better simply to leave her be and let death numb his yearning for her? He desperately wanted to see her happy again, but he had stolen it from her... If he was gone, would it be restored?

She couldn't help it anymore, silent tears started streaming down her face. He stared at her, wanting nothing more then to wrap his arms around her and wipe away her tears.

Her inner pain became outward agony and she fell to her knees and leant her face into her hands. What hope was there left in the world when all good things perish? Erik instinctively left his hiding place and stretched out willing fingers, but then hesitated once more...

She felt it, someone was watching her she snapped her head up and spotted him, then glared. "What do you want? Have you not done enough!"

Part of him blazed with rage. Had he done enough? He had done more than enough, he'd given her all that kept blood pumping through his veins! His very soul was linked to his music, and he had placed it as a gift at her feet. Yes, he'd done enough, if not too much... But then... As he watched the angry tears ruin her makeup and magnify the pain in her eyes he sympathized with her. The loss of a dream was never easily forgotten... "Christine..." he stepped nearer...

She stood up and took a step back, she galred at him. "Stay away from me...I hate you!" She knew it wasn't true, she loved him, she admired him, but she wouldn't admit it to him, or to herself.

Her words pierced like a dozen arrows to bare flesh, but he stood still and quiet in response. "Then, you'll return my ring..." Fear gripped at his chest. If she did return his ring then there was no hope left for them. But if not... If she even hesitated... There was a chance that she didn't wish for him to leave. Christine clutched at the thin gold chain around her neck as if to protect it.

She didn't answer, she continued to cluch it. She looked away. "Just...take me back."

Erik took off his fedora and brushed past her until he came close enough to Daae's grave to read the inscription well. "You haven't laid your flowers at his grave..." He turned slightly and reached for the bundle of roses in her hands.

She pulled hands away and glared at him. "Don't touch me, I'll do it myself." She walked past him, hen set the flowers down gentily. Still cluching the rign in one hand, but not noticing.

Erik leaned down next to her and held his palm open, "The ring...Christine..." His cool and calm exterior hid his inner struggle well. She dared not look at him for even a moment. But he was right, after all... If she didn't give him the ring, her attachment to him would be exposed.

She bit her lip a conflict in her mind. "I'll give it back when we get back to the opera house, can I mourn my father in peace? Or will you keep interrupting me?" She glared

Erik pulled a single rose from inside his coat, somehow unmarred and with not a petal out of place. At first he gazed at her steadily, and then turned his eyes to the grave and laid the bloom beside her flowers. "I have come to mourn myself... He was a famous musician who I admire not only for his passion for music, but for the brilliant talent he nurtured in his daughter." He stood again, returning his gaze to her, and replaced his fedora. "Aurevoir, M. Daae..." Erik pivoted on his heel and began quietly down the cobblestone path as the wind picked up and dance wildly beneath his cape. His nerves were on edge being so close to her and left him shaky, despite how he tried to remain composed.

She watched him in the corner of her eye. 'Erik...' She fingered the ring caressing it with her fingertips. She followed, staring at his back. 'Why does his mere presence warm my soul?'

As though she had truly uttered his name aloud he stopped and listened for her voice, but there was nothing. He quickened his pace and disappeared beyond the gate to traverse the vacant and dark road. Christine swallowed and wondered if it was pride that held her back from him... But it was impossible to tell now, with so much confusion burdening her mind.

She got in the carriage as Erik got into the drivers seat. His presence enchanted her, she had the overwelming need to sing she heard the music in her mind, without even realizing it, she started singing quietly. "Past the point of no return...no going back now. our passion play has now at last begun...past all thought of right or wrong...one final question...How long should we 2 wait until were one? When will the blood begin to race...The sleeping bud burst into bloom? When will the flames at last, consume us?"

Her eyes widened as she realized what she did, she immeaditly clamped her hands over her mouth. 'I hope he didn't hear!' she tought to herself. Erik smirked. 'Well well, singing one of my songs dear Christine?" He thought.

She swallowed her own breath and slipped out of the carriage before they could start on their way. She flew down the street, clutching her crimson cape to her along with the ring. Erik leapt to the ground and unhinged the horse from the carriage. He mounted and gave the mare a kick in the side and followed.

She continued running. 'He's driving me mad! I can hear the beautiful music in my mind, everytime he's near! What has he done to me!' She started slowing down, she knew he was following her. She stopped running, panting she ripped off the ring and put it in her pocket before he reached her she'd just say it fell off as she was running, she didn't want to give it up.

Erik pulled the horse to a hault in front of her, a look of surprised fear in his face. "Christine!" He dismounted and came toward her, "Have I driven you mad!" He searched her face for an explanation and drifted downward to where the ring no longer was... "So.." he sighed and stepped backward, "It is true..." She must've thrown it to the street, he thought. He suddenly felt ill at the idea and turned to face the mare. His hands laid over the horse's back as if he was about to climb up, but he paused and turned back to look at Christine. "Simply tell me to go and I will disappear to a place where you will never find me... If this horrible visage," he gestured to his emotionless white mask, "disturbs you to insanity I will not continue your torture."

She shook her head. "As I've told you before...Your face holds no horror to me, it's your soul which the true distortion lies." She stared him in the eyes. "I apologize for running. I...was overcome with emotion on behalf of my father. Trust me, I'm still sane."

Erik smirked at her words, but the look of concern returned to his face. "Here," he held out his arms as if to help her slip onto the horse. She gazed down at his beautiful hands, sculpted to perfection by years of piano training. How she wanted to feel the warmth and safety of his embrace... Perhaps this once she could steal a moment's touch under the guise of needing help to mount the horse. Walking closer she allowed him to lift her onto the horse, their eyes meeting. He took a moment longer to let go of her and reached for the reigns, silently leading her down the sidewalk.

A frown crossed her features. 'I was hoping he'd ride with me...' "Erik...there is no need to walk...it's getting colder by the minute."

Erik glanced up at her and held her gaze. He then slipped his hand over the back of the horse and pulled himself up behind her. "It is rather cold..." He reached over to take the reigns and let his arms relax beside her.

The horse began a gentle trot as the evening darkness slowly moved in.

She subconsciously pressed her self closer to him, needing warmth. Or thats what she wanted him to think

The wind continued to blow at their backs and his cape swam with hers through the air. The sweet scent of her lightly perfumed hair drifted up to him, and he committed the aroma to memory. He tried to memorize everything about her for those lonely hours when only thoughts of her could occupy him while he awaited their next meeting. He allowed the mare to go slowly, hoping Christine would not entreat him to hurry. Moments like these were rare and precious, and were to be savored.

She closed her eyes and leaned in closer taking in his scent...which was surprisinly close to cinnimon...She grinned slightly to herself. 'It suits him perfectly, half sweet, half spicy.' She almost laughed at the thought.

Erik felt her shoulders move with an inaudible giggle and he smiled softly to think that she might be happy. "What is it, Christine..." His voice was lilting now with the contentment of having her so near.

She grinned and said without thinking. "You smell like Cinnamon..." Then her eyes widned slightly realizing she opened her mouth without thinking...again.

He suppressed a laugh and leaned his mouth to her ear, "I don't know how that could be..." He chuckled lightly and leaned back again. The reigns slipped from his fingertips as he released the horse to travel at whatever pace she wished. He had an unnatural ability with animals to gain so much of their respect that they would willingly do as he wished, without any prompting from him. Christine was a little worried that he had let the reigns go, but once she realized that the mare had no intention of veering off of the path she felt comfortable again. 'How is he so forgiving?' she wondered... 'I told him that I hated him, and yet he pays respects at my father's grave... I tell him to leave me, and he does so without a protest... I run away like a mad woman and he is concerned for me!' She sighed and closed her eyes. She did not deserve this kind of treatment.

'I know he loves me! Why don't I just tell him! UGHH! ...I know...I'll pretend I'm slowly falling in love with him...It would make me look insane to tell hi I hate him, then tell him I love him.' She leaned into him again. "Erik, would you do me a favor?"

He felt his breath hasten as she grew closer. "Tell me first what it is... and then I'll tell you if I'll do it." He continued to seem relaxed but his mouth was already dry.

She blushed slightly. "Well...would you...sing for me? ..."Music of the Night" If...you don't mind." She blushed harder.

Erik noticed the intense rosiness of her cheeks, and whispered, "If you'll do me a favor in return..." She felt the side of her neck tingle at the feel of his breath.

She bit her lip. "Tell me what it is first, and I'll tell you if I do it." She grinned slightly.

Erik smiled, "If you'll meet me for one more lesson... Tomorrow, midnight, on the stage."

She smiled. "That I can do. I'll be there."

A part of him was relieved that she didn't refuse. Just moments ago she'd been furious with him. There were many things about mankind that puzzled him, but women were by far the most confusing of all of them. Like the light rumbling of a waterfal his voice caressed the air, "Nighttime sharpens, heightens each sensation..." He paused and leaned closer, "Darkness wakes, and stirs imagination... silently the senses abandon their defenses..." he lifted his hand to touch her arm, "Helpless to resist the notes I write... For I compose the music of the night..." Thunder bellowed overhead, spooking the horse some, but he grabbed the reigns and calmed her.

She wasn't paying attention to anything else just his beautiful voice she leaned deeper into him melting as his voice broke all off her barriers and set her soul free.

With fervor he continued his song, relishing their moment, knowing it was wrong and would have to eventually end. He knew the power of his voice to entrance and attract, and that once the song ended she would realize how he'd taken advantage of his ability to draw her in. But she laid against him without protest and vulnerable to his will. How could he pass up an opportunity to revel in her affections? He carefully drew his hand up to her face and felt the hotness of her cheek with the back of his fingers, "Close your eyes, let your spirit start to soar! And you'll live... as you've never lived before..." Oh, to have her so safe in his arms, it was all he'd ever wanted..

She melted into him, a blush on her cheeks. She knew what his voice did to her.

But then, of course, she had -asked- him to sing... She'd willingly stepped into this trap, so was it then really a trap? He stopped for a moment, "Christine... Do you want me to continue?" They'd stopped at the Opera, and if she asked him to finish the song they would have to travel beyond it...

She smiled still entranced talking without thinking again. "It is a beautiful night and it's a bit early to return...please conitnue Erik...I love hearing your voice." her eyes widened and she snapped out of her trance realizing what she just said. 'DAMN! Me and my damn mouth!' She thought.

Erik pulled his hand from her cheek, letting it glide along her shoulder and rest at his side, "Are you sure?" Christine bit her lower lip and closed her eyes, berating herself for being so stupid. And yet... She wasn't entirely unhappy... "Y...yes...Erik." she sighed.

He smiled and continued singing. "Slowly gently night unfurls it's splendor, grasp it sense it, tremulous and tender...Turn your face away, from the garish light of day, turn your thoughts away from cold unfeeling light...and listen to the musicс of the night." She shivered on purpose, hoping he'd wrap his arms around her.

Christine drank in the timbre of his voice. It awakened her wildest fantasies and brought her to an entirely different world. Suddenly, the city, in all of its dull grey and white shading, looked colorful and rich. Feeling her shoulders quiver drew his arms around her along with his cape. "Let your mind start a journey through a strange new world... Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before! Let your soul take you where you long to be!" She clutched his hand, "Only then can you belong to me..."

She held his hand tighter forgetting her assuage, then wrapped his arms around her waist instead of her solders, leaning into him.

Erik couldn't stand it any longer and pulled the horse aside in the middle of a grassy pasture and slipped down, pulling her along with him. He drew his fingertips along the side of her face and gently took her chin, "Floating, falling, sweet intoxication..." The thunder rumbled above, "Touch me, trust me.. Savour each sensation!" Again the lightning lit up the sky and a deafening crash brought rain suddenly falling from the clouds, "Let the dream begin, let your darker side give in, to the power of the music that I write-" He held her cheek in his hand, their lips just an inch or so away. "The power of the music of the night..."

Christine slowly opened her eyes to watch him. He looked pained, as if he wanted to kiss her but knew that if he did it would be violating some rule of conduct between them. No woman looked upon a dangerous, deformed man with love... No woman willingly shared in his affections.

No women, but her. She leaned in and met his lips.

His eyes widened and kissed back. 'She's kissing me! Her lips, touching mine! can this be real?'
'I'm in heaven, my angel, my Christine...does this mean she loves me?' He kissed her passionately and pulled her close to him. 'He's an amazing kisser. although he's never kissed anyone else...oh my god! This is my first kiss! And his!"

Christine felt her pulse hasten and her corset didn't let her breath deeply enough. She suddenly felt weak and a bit light headed, but in such bliss, and sighed. What was she going to do? He had first believed she hated him, now she'd changed everything. Did she really want to head full throttle into this relationship? How would they live? How could she be happy living underground, away from the world? Erik's mind was on other matters. He was shocked and perplexed, relieved and pleased. As they parted he realized what a mistake they'd made... Now she'd bound herself to him, unknowingly, and he would never let her go... He could never let her leave, not after this...

She looked away. "...That was a mistake...I'm sorry...just...take me back."

Erik took her arms and made her face him, "Christine! How can you say that..." Anger and a feeling of betrayal filled him until he simply let her go and mounted the horse. He took off his cape and threw it to her, "For the cold, though I doubt that you can ever escape the icy chill of your own betrayal." With that, he kicked the horse in the side and began to gallop away. Christine wasn't far enough away from the Opera to be caught in the storm, but he wasn't going to have her tempt him again.

She fell to the ground sobbing, after a little while, she forced herself up and made her way back to the opera house, only to enter her room, and continue weeping cluching his cape, he watched her from the mirror.

There was so much he wanted from her. Not just her touch, or her lips... He wanted her to genuinely smile at his wry jokes, to write songs with him, to be his companion, to raise their children, to blush at his attentions to her. He wanted to earn her trust... And he wanted whatever darkness that loomed over them when they were together to dissipate. As she sobbed he assured himself that he had unwittingly torn her life apart, piece by piece, and now she was forever his. Did she know this? Perhaps not... But soon she would know... He would never leave her side, and his eyes would never cease their watching over her. She was his now... And rightfully so...

She continued sobbing, for her father, for her love, for her damn emotions. "WHY DON'T I JUST TELL HIM!" She yelled out, but not loud enough to wake anyone. She chocked back her sobs and pulled out the ring from her pocket, staring at it, fondling it. "I love him...what am I afraid of?"

Erik had gone before anything was said. He couldn't bear to stay any longer and watch her fall apart in front of him. It was a grim fate that she had chosen, yes, to be his wife. But there was no escaping it now...

She decided, she'd tell him at their lesson tomarrow night sh'll tell him of her feelings...

With a contented sigh, finally feeling that she'd come to a resolution, she stood and wiped her tears and changed into her nightgown. The soft sheets of her bed felt good against her skin and gave her added comfort. Suddenly the world seemed better and she was excited about something for once in her life... She would tell him, but... what if... what if he didn't want her back?

-That next night-

The clock chimed midnight she felt as though tonight would be the most important night of her life. She made her way to the stage. The ring once again around her neck. 'Is he comming? He seemed so mad the last night...please...be there...' She walked unto he stage

It was finally time... The clock on the wall chimed 12. He folded his cape over his arm and put on his fedora. Everything was set... He took the note that had taken him all day to write and tucked it into his coat. Soon, he ascended the spiral stairs that led up to the upper levels, and headed toward the stage.

She waited there for him. 'He's...not comming?'

From above a note fell to the center of the stage, unsealed.

She looked down and picked it up. 'No! I wanted to see him in person!' She opened he note.

M. Daae,

You should thank me for my generosity in this matter, as you very well could've been enslaved as my wife for the rest of your life. But how can a demon possess an angel? Light normally dispels darkness, but in this case, the darkness would swallow you whole and whatever purity was left in your soul would shrivel into nothingness. I want you to live, and not only to live, but to do so happily. My end does not have to be your end... Your career at the Opera will continue to grow until you are finally Prima Donna. That is one gift that I may leave you without regret.


Her eyes widened. "What!" 'Oh god! is he going to kill himself! NO! ERIK!' She ran into her room ddesperetly trying to open the mirror She almost screamed in frustration when it wouldn't open, she felt around for the swich and finally found it, she ran down the unlightled corrordor and into the boat, rowing as though her life depended on it she found his laid and jumed out of the boat, geting her dress wet at the bottem, but she didn't care. "ERIK!" she screamed out her voice echoing though the walls.

The cellars echoed like a catacomb. It was silent without its master. Behind her the gears beneath the lake that kept the water moving groaned for him to return. Everything, even the flicker of the lanterns that remained lit, seemed lifeless and cold. The mirrors surrounding his home were shattered, some laying on their sides. Other furniture had been thrown over. The little set of dolls he'd fashioned after the stage players had been scattered over the ground. He'd left his fedora and cape in his rage, as well as his coat. And finally, the music box with the cheerful monkey that played the cymbals had been dismembered.

"No...ERIK! She collapsed unto his organ chair tears fell down her face as she played a few keys saddle knowing that she could never made such amazing music like he could.

Chapter 2

"ERIK!" Christine screamed and woke up. "Wha-! What happened!" Erik blinked. "Christine! Your awake! Are you alright?" She blinked and touched the bare side of his face. "What...happened?" He smiled at her. "While you ran down the street like a mad women you fell and became unconscious. I picked you up and took you to my lair." She eyes widened as she looked around the room, sure enough, she was in the swan bed the black curtain drawn.

Erik took her hand away from his face and laid it beside her on the silken bedsheets. He then reached for the silver tray of tea, it was Russian tea that he had learned to make years ago, and poured her a cup. "Nightmare?" he asked coolly.

She nodded. "Horrible. You...and I...and you..." She hugged him tightly. "I'm so sorry Erik!"

He was taken aback by her sudden change in mood, but he felt her quiver and listened to the earnest in her voice. She was truly very worried about something. He embraced her closely as he might a little child, hoping that he might comfort her some. "Sorry...why?"

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you the truth Erik..." She pulled away, then took the ring from her pocket, and slipped it unto her finger and held his hands. "I...I love you Erik..."

He watched her tearful eyes carefully, scanning them for any sign of deception. But he could see none... She looked honest. But she was so easily swayed by emotions. One moment she might decide she loves him, the next she'd feel sick at heart and take it back. He stood and slipped his hands away, parting the curtains. "You should rest, Christine..." He slipped away and the curtain fell back into it's place. He was sure that now was not the time to let her know about the threat upon the Opera House...

"Erik..." She watched him leave the room and a tear fell. 'Doesn't he love me anymore? I told him the turth...why doesn't he believe me?'

He went away quickly to Box Five. From there he could see whether the Opera House had been evacuated or not. War had been declared on Paris. The first act of the opposing army would be to seize any large edifices, such as the Opera, for the keeping and care of soldiers. He could see from behind the red velvet curtain that the Managers had disappeared. There was no one to be found on the stage or in the auditorium, and no one traversed the hallways. It was silent as a grave, until... He turned his head when the double doors at the front of the Opera burst open and tens of soldiers in grayish green uniforms marched in. Erik pulled the curtains closed and hurried off to find Christine...

Christine was sitting on the bed, dried tears down her face and she was foldling the ring. 'Erik...I'm sorry...'

Erik burst into the room and pulled back the curtains, holding out a hand, "Come with me.." There was an edge of sternness in his voice. Obviously something was wrong.
She blinked but took his hand without hesation. "Erik...what’s wrong?"
"The government finally declared war." He pulled on his fedora and pulled her cloak around her neck. "The Opera's being held under seige."
Her eyes widened. "What! Where will we go Erik!" Fear overcome her voice.
"Underground..." He took her hand and pulled her to a series of stone steps. "Stay closely behind.."
She held his hand tightly and followed closely. "What do you mean underground? Aren't we already underground? There is more under the Opera house?"

"Much more, Christine..." he smiled a bit to himself, "Far more than you can even imagine..." He pulled her upwards through several different doors until they came to the horse stalls. He lightly pushed her behind him as a soldier walked in and examined the room.

She held her breath and held unto his hand tightly, but not too tight. The soldier drew nearer.

Erik stepped further into the shadows and watched as the soldier lit a match to see the room better. Some of the horses whinnied and stamped their feet. "Shut up, you!" the soldier snapped in their direction.

Christine stayed well hidden behind Erik The soldier took one last look around then left the stables.

Caesar nuzzled at Erik's hand as he came nearer. Erik watched carefully for any more soldiers as he loosed Caesar. He brought the stallion to Christine and helped her up.

She sat on the horse and smiled. "Where are we going Erik?"

He pulled himself up behind her and sent the horse in the direction of where they came. "To Nadir's..." With that he kicked the horse in the side and Caesar headed down the spiral of steps at lightning speed. She leaned into his chest. "Who is Nadir?"

"An old Persian fool, and my friend for many years..." He put his arms around her and picked a lantern from one of the walls as the horse ran.

She leaned in closer. "Erik..." Her voice was full of sadness and hope. "Do...you still love me?"

Erik's arm around her waist which held her steady on the horse tightened a bit, "There is no force, earthly or supernatural that could ever stop me from loving you, Christine." And his words were true.

She smiled, but her smile fadeded. "You don't believe I love you, do you?"

Caesar took a sharp turn right and suddenly they were riding down to a part of the Opera that had never been explored, not even by himself. "I have lost the will to believe in anything."

She bit her lip and felt tears coming on. Her solders racked with silent sobs.» I-I'm sorry Erik..."

He lifted his fingertips to wipe her tears. "We're nearly there..."

They coarsed through the damp hallways, scattering gatherings of mice and frightening spiders into their holes. At the end of the tunnel-like pathway there was a faint light that grew closer.

She forced herself to stop crying and held his hand tightly.

Suddenly they arrived at a vacant and run-down area of the city, near the border. Caesar was panting now from the intense run. Erik slowed Caesar's pace until they were at a soft trot darting in and out of shadows. They arrived at an apartment complex where soldiers were already sending people out in droves.

Erik slipped off of the horse, "Take Caesar around to the back garden, by the fountain. There's a wood behind. If a soldier gets curious immediately run into the forest."

She nodded and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving. Erik watched her go in a stunned silence for a moment, but the sound of a soldier's boots pulled him out of it. He hid among the shadows along the side of the building and slipped in unnoticed.

Erik slipped around the hoards of people, keeping to the shadows and stepped quickly up the staircase. The soldiers were busy apprehending a rebellious group of young men who refused to be taken from their home. It was a welcome distraction. Hurriedly he covered the length of the hallways, taking a sharp right turn and throwing open the last door. "Nadir! Are you here?" He stepped in and closed the door behind him, locking it. The room was silent, when out of nowhere came the timid reply, "Who is it that asks for me! I refuse to be forced from my quarters without my belongings!" Erik walked toward the kitchen to find Nadir quickly pushing his things into a sack.

Christine rose into the back garden, she got off Caeser when she reached the fountian and was about to tie him when a few soldiers appeared, her eyes widened and she ran into the forest, hiding behind a near tree. One of he soldiers grunted. "Who's horse is this?" The other one shurgged. "It doesn't matter. It's owner isn't here. So we have no use for it. Kill it." The other soldier nodded, brought the gun to Caesers head, and ended his life, the gunshot echoed though the air, and the sound nausated her. Tears stung at her eyes as the cruel soldiers laughed as though they had no care in this world.

Christine cowered behind the tree and held her fingertips to her neck. She could hardly breath and fought against the repetitive image of the bloodied horse collapsing. A small sob escaped and as one soldier was about to put back his gun, he slowly brought it back out again. "There's someone...there." he whispered and pulled the other soldier by the sleave toward the trees.

Meanwhile, Nadir had gasped to see his old friend in the flesh and at such an unexpected time. "Erik..." he put his things back on the table and shook his hand firmly, "Erik, please say you are here to help me." Erik picked up his things and motioned for him to follow him to the window, "If you'll do a favor for me..."

Her breath cought in her throat. She forced herself not to make a sound. 'What will they do if they find me? What will I do! I...I need Erik! But...I'm all alone...He's not here to protect me, oh god...' The soldier drew nearer. The other one looked around causously. "...I think you may have heard things...it could have been an animal in the forest for all we know."

Erik's ears perked as the gunshot reached the apartments. "We need to hurry!" Slipping out onto the terrace, Erik beckoned for Nadir to follow suit. The Persian was older, and less agile, but the adrenaline of the moment allowed him to repeat Erik's steps with accuracy and strength. They descended the side of the building precariously, always pausing at the slightest sign of a soldier or the most out of place sound. That was hard enough, but as they descended into the bushes, three lines of soldiers marched past them. Their focused and hardened faces showed no room for mercy. And Christine was alone... Without explanation Erik darted away from the bushes and around the side of the building, with Nadir in toe.

Christine stayed hidden watching her steps carefully as she avoided the soldier from spotting her. The soldier drew closer to the forest while the other one grunted. "Come on! There is nothing there! Lets just go!" The soldier glared at him. "SHHH!" As he said this a twig Christine stepped on snapped loudly. Her eyes widened and fear overtook her senses.'Oh no! CRAP!' "OVER THERE! IT'S A WOMEN! GET HER!" Her eyes widened and she darted into the forest the soldiers in hot persuit, but thanks to her dress she tripped and lost her footing. One of the soldiers tackled her and grinned. "Mymy, isn't she pretty...Mmmm, What should we do with her?" He asked he other one. The soldier smirked. "I Can think of a few things." He started trying to rip her cloths off. She screamed and fought back trying to kick them off, but they both overpowered her...

Erik hurried through the garden feeling more fiercely afraid than ever before. Nadir could no longer keep up and paused at the fountain for a break. "Erik..." he panted, "I..." Erik stopped and turned around, "Not to worry, Nadir, keep to the shadows and make for the road with the crowd. Find an ally and make careful to slip away unnoticed." Nadir nodded, and made for the opposite direction. Erik's mind was blazing with one fear which kept his feet moving and his movements sharp. His skill of sight in the darkness served him well. But it wasn't his eyes that alerted him to Christine's distress. Her struggling cries brought him more quickly to the scene than any other sense could have. The soldiers in all of the evil of their nature were doing what they did best. Above all things attempted rape enraged him most. To ruin a defenseless woman was to have no human feeling of conscience, to be a soulless monster. And here, he had sent Christine, the women he loved, to this very fate. Fear girpped at his stomach as her cries grew louder and more frantic...

Chapter 3

Christine fought with all her might against the two soldiers, kicking and screaming, but sadly, she was a thin and frail girl, so her attacks did nothing...but annoy the soldiers. “SHUT UP!” The first one yelled, annoyed that she was fighting back, she didn't obey him, which made the mans rage keep building. “I told you to keep your mouth shut!” He slapped her...hard...just in time for Erik to see the man strike the women he loved.

Rage burned in his eyes as her cheek reddened and she sobbed out, “Please stop! Someone! HELP!” The second soldier pulled out his gun for the third time that day and pressed it roughly against her temple, “We are taking over the city bitch, there is no one who will help you now.” He laughed cruelly with the other soldier and cocked the gun. “One more word from that pretty little mouth of yours and your brains will be all over th-” He suddenly gave a gagging sound and flew backwards into a tree. He passed out the moment he collided with the tree. The other soldier stood up immediately and tried to punch Erik. The phantom merely smirked and dodged it easily, punching the man in the gut, hard. The soldier crumpled in pain. He turned away and pulled Christine to her feet, she remained slightly decent, her skirt was torn up to her lower thighs and her sleeves utterly mangled. He was relived to have gotten there in time. “Christine, run deeply into the forest without a second glance, I'll find y-”

He wasn't able to finish as the soldier recovered from the punch and made a move to stab Erik in the back, Christine had noticed this and grabbed Erik's shirt, pulling him away not a second before the knife would have collided with his back. The soldier tackled him and attempted to stab him again, but Erik was quick to flip them over and take the knife from the man he recognized as the one who slapped her, anger flared in Erik's eyes. “You...” He snarled and brought the knife to his throat about to slit it, when Christine grabbed his arm. “Erik! NO!” She tried to pull his arm away from the man, but she had virtually no upper body strength, so his arm barely moved. Erik turned his attention to her. “Christine! Why are you stopping me! He tried to-” She cut him off and glared at him. “I know very well what he tried to do Erik! But I will not stand here and watch you kill another man. Do not ask me to endure that sight Erik! Not again! Stop being the monster whom you loathe so much!”

He glared in her direction for what seemed like several minutes, but could've only been a few seconds, because in the next moment the soldier reached out to grab Erik's face and apprehend the knife. He was quick enough to force him to the ground and hold the knife to his throat. But after a fleeting moment of rebellion, he came to his senses and decided not to kill the man, but delivered a hard blow to his face, knocking him out, “That'll do...for now...” With that said, Erik took the mans wepons, got off of him and turned towrds Christine. "Quickly, into the forest." He commanded, but not harshly.

"Wait, Erik." She grabbed his hand and kissed his cheek softly. "Thank you for saving me."

Erik was caught off guard and dropped the knife he was still holding. "Christine..." His voice had drastically changed from domineering to aghast. But she simply smiled, as if she knew her affect on him, and turned hurrying into the forest and disappeared behind a large oak. His breath came slowly now, as if he couldn't breath, but there was no time to dwell on her affection. Nadir had to keys to safety. He had to find him first...

He ran though the forest and headed for the garden, he tried to focus on finding his friend, but her kiss kept flashing though his mind. 'Oh god, her beautiful lips...touched my cheek! She...Christine!...My angel...I can hear my heart pounding withing my chest. I can still feel her feather soft lips upon my cheek, is this real? Did that really happen? Oh god, I've never felt such a joy...Christine...'

Nadir had not traveled long with the captured citizens before Erik arrived. The distracted look in his friend's eyes, though the rest of him focused wholly on the vital task at hand, made him wonder at what had happened after he had left Erik. He continued with the crowd until they reached a turn in the road, and then he slipped off into the shadows. He had to be swift to avoid the soldiers that marched along either side. One had been disturbed from his marching by Nadir's disappearance. He signaled for three other soldiers to follow him and search the area. Nadir did his best to be agile, but he was still slower than in his younger days, and he worried that if he lagged for one moment at the wrong time that would be the end of him.

Thankfully, they were distracted temporarily by the stumbling of an elderly woman in the crowd, which slowed the rest of the captured behind her. Erik ran down the street with an eye searching every allyway. They met at once, and slipped behind a building. "What else is going on, Erik? There is a catch..." Nadir narrowed his eyes at his old friend who seemed constantly on the lookout.

Nothing else is going on my friend. Now where is this secret cabin you told me about? You said it was in the woods correct?" Nadir eyed him for a moment, and then sighed nodding his head, "Yes... But, Erik..." Erik approached him and backed him into the dark corner of the ally, "Nadir, trust me now as you trusted me in Persia. There is nothing more you need to know..." Nadir ran his hand firmly over his balding scalp and nodded, "The cabin is on the outskirts of Paris, on a vast plain of vacant land... You'll have everything you need there." Erik bowed his head gratefully and shook Nadir's hand, "You've wanted for so long to return to Persia..." Nadir pulled his hand back, "Yes." "Then you will return."

Nadir, in all his wildest dreams, could never hope to have the money to return to Persia. But out of one of the concealed pockets in Erik's cloak came a heavy purse which was placed in Nadir's hand. He clutched the purse in disbelief and thankfulness. Nothing was said. Ever on the back of Erik's mind was the memory of Christine's flushed and fear-stricken face as two strangers attempted to ravish her.The idea disgusted him to the point of illness, and the longer he remained away from her the less he could focus.

He'd known fear as a child, the fear of the whip, of starvation, of being locked in a dark room for days with no human contact. All these things he'd learned to bear and become numb to. But the fear of losing her went beyond even the fear of death.

Now my friend, I must go, thank you Nadir." He smirked and, then disappeared into the darkness. Within no time he was back in the forest, panting slightly from the long run but ignored it and franticly searched for his angel. "Christine! CHRISTINE!" He continued looking around franticly, his fear building and building with each passing second. "CHRISTINE!" "ERIK!" She ran out from her hiding place and hugged him tightly to for getting her torn cloths, she buried her face into his chest and nuzzled into him. “Oh Erik...”

Erik’s arms encompassed her like a protective sheild from the world outside. Withing their existence together there was something better than what loneliness had to offer. He sighed and for a moment dropped all of his inhibitions and simply let her sink against him. Out of her comfort came his. One of her hands reached up toward his masked cheek and caressed the cold, lifeless porcelain. Even that was soft and alluring to the touch. But even more she wanted to feel the warm flesh beneath and show him that ugliness was only an opinion. He had taught her that...

She held him tightly her face still buried into his chest loving the feel of his well built chest though his shirt. She grinned slightly to herself. 'I could get used to this...I feel so safe in his strong arms...I want to do something...I want to prove my love to him...but how...?' He held her close to him. 'Christine...' He savored their moment and buried his face within her hair, taking in her rose scent he ran his hands through her hair. "So...beautiful..." He mumbled into her hair.

She pressed her face into his neck and beneath his chin, the warmest part of the human body. Within his arms she felt like a small child again. He was always there at the right moment to save her. "Thank you, again, Erik... Thank you for everything." With that she savored the moment a bit longer, and then hesitantly pulled away. Her movement pulled him from the moment and he swallowed, looking as if he'd just woken up from an intense dream.

Fear gripped at his throat as he closely reached a hand up and caressed her bruised cheek, she smiled and welcomed the touch. "Christine...I..." 'He wanted to tell her how much he loved her. He wanted to hold her close, he wanted to kiss her. But he held back his urges. "Yes Erik?"

He let his fingertips trail along the soft skin beneath her mouth and then they dropped back to his side, cold once again. "There is a cabin far from here. Far enough to keep you safe. I'll-" He paused and wondered at the word. He? He would what? He would be her hero and rescue her from the corrupt world? Could he do that, when he himself was so corrupt? Wasn't what he was doing a wrongful thing in the end anyway? "I'll take you there."

She smiled and held his hand. "I'll follow you anywhere Erik, just lead the way."

She was so willing, and yet so utterly misled. He began through the forest slowly as weariness came upon them both. She gently yawned and pushed back her wild mane of curled hair that she could never hope to fix now. He shifted his shoulders some to relieve the tension.

She held his hand tighter. "Erik...are you alright? Whats troubling you?" She caressed his hand with hers. "You can't live forever on the run. Someday you'll have to return, whether the war is over or not, and make a life for yourself." He gently caressed the trees as they passed them and felt the dewy leaves of some. "I hope" he continued thoughtfully, "You'll never forget your gift for music."

She blinked and hugged his arm tightly still walking. "Erik...I'm not going anywhere. Not without you." She kissed his masked cheek and frowned. "I wish you'd take that off. Your so handsome. You don't need a stupid mask."

He looked a her and sighed. "Only to you I'm handsome." She grinned. "Yes, buy aren't I the only one that matters to you Erik?"

Erik smirked at her wit, "Haven't I always said so?" She grinned. "Yes, you have." He watched her for a while and then returned his gaze to the path. "I once ran here when I was young, and hid away from my mother..." She held his hand tighter. "Erik lets not think about upsetting things. Now this place can hold new memories for both of us." She smiled at him. "Your promises are fickle."She sighed. "Must you always be so cynical?" Erik pulled an apple from one of the trees and handed it to her, "You should be hungry after all you've been through." She smiled and took it graciously. "Your always thinking about me huh?" She grinned. "It's nice to have an obsessive phantom around." She giggled slightly at her little joke.

Erik rolled his eyes with a half smile and ran his fingers through his hair with a sigh, "I left my Don Juan..." The thought suddenly dawned on him that all of his life's work would be found, taunted, burned or torn. Her eyes widened. "Then what are we doing in a forest! We have to get it back!"

"That would be suicide!"

She blinked. "So? You've spent too much time and effort on it. I'm going back to get it. Now, you can either let me go and commit 'Suicide' by myself, or you can come with me."

Erik took her forearm firmly and gave her a pleading look, "If it survives their foolishness I'll go back when the Opera's no longer under siege. For now, your life is more important than my work."

She pouted. "But...but...but...it's...Fine...only because you gave me that sexy pleading look."

Erik let her go and continued on down the path without her.

She blinked and smacked her forehead. 'Great I scared him off.' She sighed. But in truth the only reason he went ahead was to hide the large blush on his cheeks.

He sighed and realized that they should have been at the end of the forest several minutes ago. Were they going in circles? He had to get her somewhere safe. Christine, by now, had been hobbling a little. Her left ankle had been sharply hurting, but her fierce need to escape the soldiers distracted her from it.

She tried to catch up with him and was now hopping slightly. "Erik...slow...down! Gah!" She fell and landed on her face.

Erik turned and berated himself for being so careless and hurried. He lent down and slipped his hands beneath her arms. She rose up with his help and leaned against him, "Thank you..." She glanced up at him, slightly humiliated, and then quickly looked away. He noted her embarrassment and without a moments notice pulled her into his arms entirely. She relaxed against him feeling absolutely secure, and now without the pressure of walking relief returned to her ankle.

He held her bridal style and continued walking. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and blushed slightly. "Erik Am I too heavy? Because, I could always...hobble..." Erik laughed at her truthfulness, "You're no burden."

She smiled and kissed his cheek for the third time that day. "Your amazing, what did I do to deserve you?" She asked him, a playful grin on her lips.

Erik didn't respond and kept to the task at hand. Her words, though meant to be loving, hurt worse than if she'd openly rejected him. She toyed with him constantly and planted seeds of hope in his mind, only to destroy them before they could even bloom. With him, she saw everything as a fantasy and adventure. Without him reality returned with a heavy blow and knocked her out of her dreamy state of mind. It was when reality hit that she realized she could never truly love him outside of a lie.

She sighed and bit her lip. "Your still mad at me, aren't you?"

Just behind the trees ahead of them was an uplifting sight. As he stepped beyond the forest there stretched plains upon plains of uninhabited land. "Let's discuss this when we find the cabin."

She nodded and buried her face into his neck, still holding him tightly. 'I will prove my love to him, and I think I may know how...' She grinned as ideas started forming in her mind.

Chapter 4

The wind was an opposing force to their weary and beaten bodies, but he trekked on. Erik had left his cape and hat in Nadir's apartment. He hadn't yet realized that, that could possibly give away his presence there. However, how could anyone truly tell that those particular pieces of clothing belonged to the Ghost? He'd also lost his tie along the way somewhere. It had loosened and possibly been ripped from his neck by one of the grappling soldiers. The cold sliced through the thin remnants of Christine's dress and Erik's evening coat. But after almost three quarters of an hour of walking toward the outskirts of Paris, with the hope that they were continuing on the right path, they finally could see the little ramshackle house that was Nadir's only really important possession, and very nearly the only thing he truly owned.

Christine let out a breath she hadn't realized she had been holding. "Finally! Oh Erik, tell me that is the cabin!"

She gripped his arms tightly her voice full of exhaustion and hope.

As they drew nearer, oh gratefully nearer!, it was obvious that indeed this was Nadir's lodging. Gently Christine's toes were let slowly to the ground, and Erik peered through the window to find a grand array of Persian furnishings and decor. It was simple with only a few necessities that a house needed but the range of variety was vast. 'I hope Nadir sends word, so that I can thank him for this'... Erik tapped into a skill he hadn't used in quite a while; his lock picking skill. He'd learned to survive on thievery at one point in his youth, and now again he found it served him well. The door glided open and they were finally given access to shelter.

Christine was curious about all of the foreign decorations, but her ankle pleaded with her to sit. She made her way to the settee by the bay window and looked out at the beautiful and storming sky. Everything was overwhelmingly serene and it put her hastily beating heart to a slow rhythm. Erik continued to explore this intriguing find and opened a closet where he found odds and ends that Nadir probably had abandoned. There was an ornate box of carved people and animals, even a carriage that could be fastened to two mares. On one of the shelves was a violin with a broken string, three changes of sheets, an old smoking pipe, four or so books, two ink wells, and a quill.

She grinned to herself. 'Perfect." She got up, hobbled to the shelf grabbed the sheets of paper. the ink wells and the quill, sat down at a table and started writing furiously. 'I've been thinking about this the entire time until we walked here. And I know exactly what to write.'

Erik watched her with interest. Something had sparked her creativity. Every now and again she showed a child-like fondness for imagination that was lacking in others.

She smiled and pulled the large sheet off of the table, which was actually a piano."Oh Erik, come here for a moment would you?" She grinned, you could hear the misgeif in her voice, as well as the anticipation.

As he came toward the piano he felt a mixture of gladness and disappointment. He much preferred to play his music in the privacy of his own room. His fingertips ran over the edge of the piano top and caressed the faded wood. It wasn't beautiful, but it was tuned. That was all that he needed.

She smiled. "Sit next to me please, I have something for you."

He took off his coat and laid it over the piano, taking his place at her side. He was careful to leave space between them. He'd been tempted enough and overwhelmed with her sudden affections.

She smiled. "Now, I've told you I loved you, and it's very obvious you don't believe me." The eagerness in her voice dropped slightly, but she continued. "So, I've written you a song, and just to annoy you, I am singing it in a high Alto instead of my normal Soprano one. All I ask of you is to help me with the melody." She sighed. "I have no talent when it comes to writing music notes." She blushed slightly. "Will you help me Erik?" She gave him an extremely hopeful look.

It was evident that this whole situation was not for the better... What was he doing playing with fire? 'I'll send her away, as soon as I can, to Italy, or England, where she can live a normal life, and we can finally forget each other...' His fingers splayed across the keys, "Begin."

She gasped softly at the perfect melody he was able to create out of thin air, she was also surprised how the melody was able to fit the lyrics, as though he knew what she was going to sing. After a few seconds, she straighted up, and started singing...

"I've been watching you from a distance...

That distance sees through your disguise...

All I want from you is your hurting...

I want to heal you...

I want to save you from the dark...

Give unto me your troubles,

I'll endure your suffering,

Place onto me your burden,

I'll drink your deadly...poison

Why should I care if they hurt you?

Somehow it matters more to me...

Than if I were hurting myself...

Save you,

I'll save you!

Fear not the flame of my love's candle...

Give unto me your troubles,

I'll endure your suffering,

Place onto me your burden,

I'll drink your deadly...poison..."

She let Erik play for a few moments, her eyes closed in the amazing melody he was playing, which seemed to pour though her soul and heart.

"Give unto me your troubles,

I'll endure your suffering,

Place onto me your burden,

I'll drink your deadly...poison

Fear not the flame of my love's candle

Let it be the sun in your world of darkness..."

She looked at him hopefully, after a moment of silence she said. "Erik...did...you like it?"

He was hunched over with his head bowed while his fingers slipped from their places on the keys. As they slipped into his lap the rest of his figure followed suit and his back began to heave. His tears landed one by one on the ivory keys below and slipped between the cracks. He held his face in his hands for several moments until the mask became damp beneath. He stood, turning quickly away from her and threw the mask to the ground. "Don't look at me.." he choked, "Let me... Let me be for a moment..."

She stared at his back and waited, with each passing second her tension kept building and tears brimmed in her eyes from the fear of rejection, finally when she couldn't take it anymore she spoke. "Erik?" She said softly, gently, perfectly, as if her lips were created for the sole purpose to sing, and speak his name.

He straightened a little and had finally gained enough composure to speak with some clarity, "Beautiful, Christine, it was remarkably beautiful." With that he bent and retrieved his mask, leaving the room behind him quietly.


Ой, я думала продолжение. И когда текст увидела, даже как-то засомневалась в зрении своем. А перевод еще будет?


Будет, будет... через полчасика будет.


Маленький кусочек... Чего-то надоело мне этот маразм переводить.

Глава 3.

Кристин пыталась отбиться всеми силами, пиналась и кричала. Но, к  несчастью, она была слишком хрупкой и слабой, и попытки её не давали результатов, а лишь раздражали солдат.
- Заткнись! –крикнул первый солдат, но она не послушалась, и это еще больше разозлило негодяев. – Я же велел тебе заткнуться! – он ударил её, как раз в тот момент, когда Эрик появился в тени деревьев.
Гнев вспыхнул в нем со страшной силой, когда он увидел, как распухает её щека, как она, задыхаясь от слез, кричит: «Не надо! Кто-нибудь! Пожалуйста! Помогите!» Второй солдат вытащил пистолет и, ухмыляясь, произнес:
- Мы займемся городской шлюшкой, и никто тебе не поможет!  - он захохотал с другим солдатом. – Еще одно слово, и я вышибу тебе мозги, ты поняла?! – он вдруг издал булькающий звук и полетел назад. Другой солдат немедленно вскочил и попытался ударить Эрика. Призрак лишь улыбнулся и легко отскочил, с силой ударив его в живот. Солдат согнулся пополам от боли.   Эрик наклонился и поднял Кристин, от её платья почти ничего не осталось, юбка была порвана почти до талии, а рукава изодраны в лохмотья. Эрик вздохнул, радуясь, что успел вовремя.
- Кристин! Бегите в лес и не оборачивайтесь! Я найду и…
Он не успел закончить, потому что солдат, быстро оправившись от удара, двинулся к нему. Кристин заметила это и оттащила Эрика за рубашку за мгновение до того, как нож вонзился в его спину. Солдат зарычал и хотел снова ударить его, но Эрик быстро ударил его и выхватил нож у человека, в котором он признал того, избивавшего Кристин. Гнев вспыхнул в глазах Эрика. «Ты…» - прорычал он и подставил нож к его горлу, недвусмысленно собираясь употребить нож по прямому его назначению, когда Кристин схватила его за руку.
- Эрик! Нет, нет! – она пыталась оттащить его руку, но это ни к чему не привело – его рука лишь немного опустилась, но внимание Эрика было приковано к ней.
- Кристин, зачем вы останавливаете меня? Он же мог… - она прервала его взглядом огромных глаз, устремленных на него.
- Я знаю, что он мог сделать, Эрик. Но я не буду стоять и смотреть, как вы убиваете человека. Не просите, чтобы я пыталась вынести это! Только не снова, Эрик! Остановите монстра, которого вы так ненавидите!
Он находился во власти несколько минут, но может быть, и несколько секунд, потому что в следующий миг солдат ударил Эрика и перехватил нож. Это было так быстро, что Эрик оказался на земле и почувствовал нож у горла. Призрак вновь оказался быстрее и ловчее, и солдат уже лежала на земле, ощущая нож у горла. После короткой борьбы Эрик решил не убивать человека, но посильнее ударил его, оглушая.
- Вот так.. пока… -с этими словами Эрик  обернулся к Кристин. – Быстрее в лес, - он приказывал, но в голосе его не было резкости.
- Погодите, Эрик, -  она схватила его за руку и мягко коснулась губами его щеки. – Спасибо за спасение.
Эрик был застигнут врасплох и опустил нож, который все еще  держал в руке.
- Кристин, - его голос тотчас изменился от властного до удивленного.
Но она просто улыбалась, словно знала какие чувства затронула в нему, и поспешила в лес, скрылась за большим дубом.  Дыхание возвращалось медленно, словно он не мог дышать, но не было времени думать об её поведении. Надир должен быть в безопасности. Нужно найти сначала его.
Он бежал в лес, затем в сад, пытался сосредоточиться на том, чтобы найти друга, но ее поцелуй все еще будоражил его воображение.  «Боже… Её прелестные губы коснулись моей щеки… Она… Кристин… Ангел… Мое сердце так бьется в груди! Я все еще чувствую её мягкие губы, касающиеся моей щеки. Это действительно произошло? Никогда в жизни не чувствовал такой радости… Кристин»


Amy206, спасибо огромное и не обижайтесь! *fi*  Я Вам очень благодарна, спасибо ещё раз!!


Да нет, я не обижаюсь! Я вобще-то существо милое и незлопамятное  - сделаю гадость и забуду! =)
Читайте, может и продолжите перевод, потому чт мои силы на исходе.


Делать мне гадости искренне не советую :) Мне уже негде прятать трупы © :)

А перевод - не моя стихия. Тем более подобного опуса. Извините :)


Долго смеялась.

Одолеть этот кошмар на английском для меня не реально.

Переводчику -  *-)  за терпение.

По диагонали посмотрела непереведенную часть.

Эрик - жадина: Перс мечтал вернуться на родину, и единственное, что мешало - не было денег на дорогу, а Эрик (друг, называется) только сейчас догадался помочь!

Наткнулась на фразу:

She pressed her face into his neck and beneath his chin, the warmest part of the human body

Ну ни фига ж себе познания в анатомии  &))) !
:hmm:  Автору меньше 14?

Amy206, а дальше? И если не будет перевода, то может краткое изложение  *-p ? Ведь Вы, наверное, до конца добрались?
Я так понимаю, Призрак под конец решил Кристину кинуть, чтоб не повадно было песни писать и хлеб отбивать?

Отредактировано morein (2007-05-06 02:26:56)


Цирилла, что вы что!!!! Не убивайте меня ладно? Я еще очень молода!

morein, все же решила допереводить. И дело в том, что это не конец - автору надоело писать подобную муть и он не дописал. И я от всей своей души решила докписать... может быть :D
Перевести придется, и взяться за кое-что поинтереснее...


Amy206, благодарю вас за терпение, и за то что вы решили допереводить (дописать) этот фик appl *fi*
Буду с нетерпением ждать продолжения &)))


Amy206, мило, мне нравится, читается легко *-p


Проду! Проду! Проду!

:unsure: Ну пожа-а-а-алуйста?


Будет вам прода, I swear!


Это был чай из России, он учился заваривать его много лет назад.

...Краснодарский?  :unsure:

- Чья это скотинка?
Другой равнодушно ответил:
- Это неважно. Хозяина здесь нет. Но мы можем извлечь из этого пользу. Убей его.
Его приятель кивнул, приставил оружие к голове Цезаря и выстрелил.

нахрена? Why?! ©  транспортное средство, стОит денег... маньяки.


Рыся, не-а... это был чай со слоном...=)
Ну вот и кусочек. маленький. Теперь больших порций не будет - экзамены, стрессы... Вот.

Надиру пришлось недолго путешествовать с бегущими из города жителями. Он шел в толпе грязных людей, растерянный, думая о том, что же случилось, после того, как он оставил Эрика. Он шел с толпой до поворота, а затем ускользнул в тень. Ему приходилось двигаться как можно быстрее, чтобы избежать встречи с солдатами. Надир едва не попался солдатам, но оказался достаточно проворным, чтобы улизнуть. К счастью, доблестных воинов отвлекла спотыкающаяся женщина в толпе, из-за которой замедлялось шествие.
Эрик обвел улицу взглядом и заметил Надира, притаившегося в тени. Они встретились и быстро скользнули за здание.
- Что случилось, Эрик? Кто-то пойман? – Надир сузил глаза, изучая напряженно-бдительного Эрика.
- Не беспокойся, мой друг. Ты говорил о секретном убежище? Что оно находится в лесу? 
Какое-то время Надир колебался, а затем вздохнул и кивнул:
- Да… Но, Эрик…
Эрик приблизился к нему и увел еще глубже в тень.
- Надир, доверься мне, как ты доверял мне в Персии. Ты ничего не должен знать, Надир.
Надир поднял руку и провел по блестящей лысине и кивнул:
- Убежище находится на окраине Парижа. На равнине. Там ты найдешь все необходимое.
Эрик с благодарностью склонил голову и пожал его руку.
- Ты так долго хотел вернуться в Персию, - Надир убрал руку. –Теперь ты можешь возвратиться.
Надир, даже в самых диких мечтах, не мог вообразить, что когда-нибудь у него появятся деньги для поездки на родину.  Но Эрик достал из кармана плаща увесистый кошелек и положил в руку Надира. Он сжал его в неверии и благодарности. Молчание. В глубине сознание Эрика билась мысль о состоянии Кристин, которую пытались изнасиловать два незнакомца. Мысль о том, что она была далеко от него, мешала ему сосредоточиться.
Еще в детстве он усвоил, что значит «страх»: страх кнута, голода, заточения в темных комнатах, одиночество… Все это он научился переживать. Но мысль о потери Кристин была даже ужаснее страха о самой смерти.
- Теперь, мой друг, я должен идти! Благодарю тебя, Надир, – он улыбнулся и исчез в тени.
За какие-то мгновения он долетел до леса, запыхавшийся от быстрого бега, но не замечающий этого, поглощенный поисками своего ангела.
- Кристин! Кристин!- он озирался кругом, и страх возрастал в нем с каждой неумолимо бегущей секундой. – Кристин!
- Эрик, - он выбежала  из своего укрытия и крепко прижалась к нему, уткнув лицо в его грудь. – О Эрик!
Руки Эрика обнимали её, защищая от ужасов внешнего мира. Он вздохнул и позволил на миг пасть всем запретам, позволил ей просто обнимать его. Это было так нежно… Её рука поднялась к его щеке, спрятанной за маской, и ласково коснулась безжизненного фарфора. НО ей хотелось почувствовать теплую кожу и доказать ему, что уродство – это всего лишь еще одна маска.  Он научил её этому…


Кхм...Уважаемый переводчик *-p
Мона продочку? :( Или хотя бы ссылочку на оригинал :blush:
Мне очень перевод понравился!!! *fi* Но автор точно малолетка <_< Сюжет прикольный:Послали Рауля на Северный Полюс...войну придумали.Я собирала мысли в один "ком" после прочтения и вышло так:
Кладбище...Музыка Ночи...Опера...Война...ВОЙНА!?!?!? :rofl: И т.д.

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