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ПО на языках мира

Сообщений 121 страница 150 из 607



Называется Opera Apartment, как раз по теме. :D  не сказать, чтобы дорого. :D

Отредактировано Dominique (2005-08-14 21:27:01)


75 евриков... А на Ф1 я бы съездил...


Ф1? Гонки? :unsure:


Да. Я болельщик Шумахера с 1996 года.


75 евриков... А на Ф1 я бы съездил...

Нет, уж лучше в следующем октябре в Лондон.


А кто будет петь Призрака на юбилее?


А кто будет петь Призрака на юбилее?

Неизвесно. Никто пока ничего не знает, иначе слухи бы в конфу просочились.


75 евриков... А на Ф1 я бы съездил...

Нет, уж лучше в следующем октябре в Лондон.

А тебя там не затопчут?  Я прекрасно представляю этот ажиотаж...


75 евриков... А на Ф1 я бы съездил...

Нет, уж лучше в следующем октябре в Лондон.

А тебя там не затопчут?  Я прекрасно представляю этот ажиотаж...

Билет за год заказать надо, тогда не затопчут.


А на сайте RUG я не видел, чтоб их продавали или анонсировали.




Real Usefull Group. Компания ALW.


Господи, а я думаю, при чем тут ковры! :D
У нас всегда полностью пишут Really Useful Group

Отредактировано Dominique (2005-08-15 21:56:40)


Правда? А я встречал и сокращения.


В Бразилии тоже идет ПО?! Интересно, а они это запишут. :rolleyes:


Да, идёт, в конфе говорили, да и на сайте Эрнандес как-то инфа была.


Нет, по стольким сайтам я не хожу, мне ж всегда чего-нибудь с них надо. Если бы майка с маской не была такого размера, что я в ней три раза помещусь, то уже ходила бы и пугала  окружающих.


Второй раз не разыщешь :)  Еле нашла в кеше, вот вам отзыв на датчан, см. фото - в фотах и картинках.

Author  Comment 
Opera Star
Posts: 86
(10/30/03 11:24 am)
Reply   Copenhagen Phantom Review
Hello everyone,

This is a longish post but thought I'd relate a bit about my Danish PotO experience!

Just back home from my trip to wonderful Copenhagen, where I saw their equally wonderful production of Phantom! I went to three shows – one evening and two afternoon performances, and saw two Phantoms (Peter Jorde and Preben Kristensen), two Christines (Agnete Munk Rasmussen and Viktoria Krantz), two Carlottas (Eva Malmgren and Marina Svaneberg Li) and two Megs (Anna Grцnros and Catherine Leppingwell).

Of the two Phantoms, I much preferred Peter Jorde’s portrayal. Peter is very tall and slim, thereby perfectly evoking the Phantom’s physical image. As Operafantomet has said in her previous message to the Forum, Peter’s voice is just spellbinding and his hand movements and body language are absolutely mesmerising! Agnete was his Christine that night, and they were just perfect together. Agnete has one of the loveliest voices I’ve ever heard, strong, clear and just beautiful. I sat there completely under the spell of a terrific show, brought to life by a great cast of actors and singers. The fact that it was sung entirely in Danish (as of course it would be!) made it even more fascinating.

When it came to The Kiss – well, I thought I’d gone to heaven because it was the most gorgeous I’ve ever experienced – so poignantly tender. She kissed him and then held him close, kissed him again and once more put her arms tightly around him as if she didn’t want to let him go. Then instead of stepping back to see how he’d react, she remained close and laid her hands on the lapels of his jacket, just gazing up at him. He was stunned... disbelieving... then dared to touch her fingertips, gradually lowering his hands until they closed over hers as they lay against his chest. Then gently, tenderly, he removed her hands and covered them with his own before letting go of his clasp. She never took her eyes away from him.

He raised his fingers to his lips in disbelief, gazing at her. Then he staggered away from her and walked unsteadily across the stage, touching his lips with trembling fingers. Suddenly he turned and made as if to run back to her, but she whispered “Raoul?...” He moaned, then lurched towards the organ and snatched up the candle. As he set Raoul free, Christine ran over to the younger man as he fell to the floor. Yet even as she helped him to his feet and the Phantom urged them to go, still she stood and gazed at her Angel. He ran towards them shouting, desperate for them to go. Next, instead of falling to the floor and crying (as in our London production), Peter just stood rigid, in a state of shock and despair. When the monkey music box started to play, he stared at it for a moment, then did the usual covering of its features as he sang “... hide your face...”. He leapt up as he became aware of Christine standing there. When he told her he loved her, she covered his hands with both her own and looked up at him as if she really did feel love for him. Oh my, it was so utterly delicious!

I thought the whole cast was terrific, with especial mention of the two managers (played by Carl Christian Rasmussen and Kristian Boland), whom I adored, and Piangi (Marc Clear). They really did get under the skin of their characters and their acting was brilliant, very comical in certain scenes which had the audience in fits of laughter. Raoul was played by Tomas Kofod and he too was excellent in the acting stakes. Mme Giry was not quite so stern as others I’ve seen but still very effective, and Meg (Anna Grцnros) was very pretty and sweet. Don Attilio in ‘Il Muto’ (Peter Fristrup) held that last very deep note for ages and got an enthusiastic round of applause.

I hoped I’d see Peter again next day, but Preben Kristensen was on as the Phantom. He was okay but I thought Peter was by far the better of the two. Preben is quite short so therefore didn’t fit the image of the Phantom’s height and slim build; his acting was perfectly adequate but nothing more, although his voice was good. Viktoria, the other Christine, was doll-like in looks, pretty in a Sarah Brightman kind of way. Her voice was lovely, but not quite as pure and strong as that of Agnete. I noticed that in the dressing-room scene Viktoria didn’t change her shoes, but kept her ballet pumps on and wore them during the first lair scene.

There were some differences in this production. The Phantom doesn’t catch Christine when she faints, as happens in London. I don’t know how Agnete managed it, but she seemed to fall backwards while still in an upright position, rather like a log coming down. The Phantom covers her with his cloak and lovingly moves his hands above her head as he sings. The Mausoleum Scene is played like that in New York, where Raoul doesn’t come into the scene until quite late. There was no tombstone but instead, Christine reached up her arms to the cross as she sang Wishing. The firesticks were fabulous – can we have them in London please! The Phantom’s ring was a big, glowing ruby which I’d rather like to try on!

In ‘Don Juan’, when the Phantom seats himself on the bench beside Christine, he doesn’t take her hand and force her to feel her own body, but rather skims lightly over her outline with his hand and then over her face and neck, without actually touching her. She in turn looks directly at him several times, sometimes smiling at his words, although she doesn’t touch him until it’s her turn to sing, and then of course she feels the mask underneath the cloak and tries to run away from him.

At the end of Act 1 when the chandelier came crashing down to rest on stage as the cast ran off, the lights went out as usual. But then came the sound of this devilish laughter echoing all around the auditorium for several moments. It was another little touch that was extremely effective!  I was very impressed with the gorgeous quality of the costumes, all the scenery, the boat, candelabra, the staircase, all worked without a hitch. I know it’s a new production but it’s such a thrill to experience the quality of such excellence. Another effect which I really loved was in both the lair scenes, when either a mirror or some kind of reflecting material right at the back of the stage reflected the candles in such a way that it seemed as though there were twice as many beautiful candles glowing in the darkness. Perfect!

I could go on forever about this gorgeous production! I’m so glad I made the trip to Copenhagen especially to see it. The Det Ny Theatre is lovely, and after my last show I treated myself to a (very expensive!) dinner in the theatre’s restaurant – underneath the staircase and down in the labyrinth!!! They had a Phantom Menu included among the usual stuff on offer, so naturally I chose that! The young waiters and waitresses often burst into song – and very good they were too, especially as they were singing ‘a capella’. A superb experience to round off my trip to Copenhagen.

My one and only crib is that smoking is allowed in the Det Ny, and as the public area surrounds the auditorium in its entirety, the smell of yukky cigarettes tended to permeate the theatre after the interval, and naturally people were coughing!!!  But that is only one tiny quibble in what was a truly enjoyable trip to wonderful, wonderful Copenhagen and one of the best Phantom productions I’ve ever had the pleasure of witnessing! Copenhagen and Det Ny – tak skal du have (I think this means thank you very much!!)


отрывки в омерзительном качестве, не иначе как на диктофон

но для самых глазастых там заныкана в темном уголку сслылка на
заглавную ПОТО в более-менее сносном (но не идеальном) качестве и полностью. Я послушала. С поправкой на качество - мне кажется очень даже неплохо.

Отредактировано Sunset (2005-08-15 23:14:57)


У нас такая же постановка.


Наверное, еще личное восприятие накладывается, не знаю :)


Наверное. Общее впечатление такое же, но есть маааленькие отличия. Но вот это нежелание таскать Кристину от зеркала...Она падает у зеркала, он ее накрывает, заканчивается Музыка ночи, гаснет освещение. Но в легких бликах видно, как Криситин белым привидением бежит укладываться в кровать :)
Этого не видно, так как Призрак в черном фраке, но он мчится в противоположную сторону переодеваться в халат. :D


75 евриков... А на Ф1 я бы съездил...

Нет, уж лучше в следующем октябре в Лондон.

А тебя там не затопчут?  Я прекрасно представляю этот ажиотаж...

*вяло помахиваю крылом*
А кто-то меня этой идеей заразил...
Я не говорю, что ехать надо именно на ТОТ САМЫЙ ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЙ СПЕКТАКЛЬ - я вообще сомневаюсь, что на него будут продаваться билеты. Но вот неделей позже или раньше - почему бы нет? Пока ещё не сошёл весь лоск от праздника.


Наверное. Общее впечатление такое же, но есть маааленькие отличия. Но вот это нежелание таскать Кристину от зеркала...Она падает у зеркала, он ее накрывает, заканчивается Музыка ночи, гаснет освещение. Но в легких бликах видно, как Криситин белым привидением бежит укладываться в кровать :)
Этого не видно, так как Призрак в черном фраке, но он мчится в противоположную сторону переодеваться в халат. :D

Что, прямо там у зеркала накрывает? Может ему тяжело её таскать?
А бегают они должно быть бесшумно...


Ага, у зеркала так и укрывает.
Таскать? Не знаю, вообще-то они стройненькие Кристины, полагаю, что мужчина может поднять женщину. Хотя сама бы я не хотела, чтобы меня таскали. Еще уронят. Так что,кто там не хочет, не известно.

А бегают они бесшумно, только у нас обязательное правило, над всеми дверями должны гореть знаки Exit. В этом свете видно, как Кристин встает и перебирается в лодку


Наверное забавно выглядит...
Ну, я бы уж не уронил, того кто мне доверится. Таскал я только раз, а сколько визга было!..


Ну я думаю. А чего визгу то было? От страха или от радости?


От страху, она не верила, что я её подыму. Ага, она и 50 не весит, я практически не чувствовал веса.


А сколько мужчина может поднять??
В Лондоне призрак таскает, на записи со Сталлером, он тоже несет пышечку.


Среднестатистический мужчина может поднять и потаскать среднестатистическую женщину. Средне- по России.
Странные различия, а? Интересно, а в Будапеште?

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